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    Welcome to Office of Rating Private Schools

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Due to the important role that the private schools play in delivering the educational mission and achieving the goals intended, The Ministry of Education spares no effort to enable the private schools, as required, in order to carry out their tasks. Therefore, the ministerial decision number 211/2017 was issued on establishing the “Office of Rating Private Schools. This office is responsible for rewarding ratings for private schools according to their qualities and abilities to provide a high standard of education in-line with international educational practices. The rating process is conducted by neutral/ independent teams to ensure fair rating and evaluation. Based on that, the Rating Office has prepared a document which includes seven different domains with some indicators and measurements. A glossary of the main terms used in the document is included as well.

Hopefully, once the rating process is complete, its results will be announced through the Educational Portal. Therefore, students, parents, and stakeholders will be able to have access to these results and will be aware of the quality of service provided by the private schools. Consequently, parents will have the information they need to choose the suitable school for their children based on child’s potentials and needs


The Rating Office vision and mission:

The Office has set up its vision and mission which forms the basis to build an integrated system for private schools rating in Oman for the sake of ensuring quality in services and upgrading schools’ outcomes according to national standardized criteria.

The office’s vision

Achieving professional and proficient private schools rating in Oman.

The Office’s mission:

Conducting a private schools rating process as per national and international standards and utilizing community engagement in order to create positive competitiveness among those schools for continuous development as to be able to meet their beneficiaries’ requirements.

The office’s values

The Private Schools Rating Office is committed to several values as follows:

1. Professionalism: Adhering to professional standards in all tasks entrusted to the Office in accordance with international practice

2. Integrity: Show honesty, objectivity, impartiality and adhere to professional ethics

3. Credibility: Providing reliable services which are trusted by the stakeholders

4. Sustainability: Investing for the future of Oman through building national capacities and instilling a culture of development and self-improvement

5. Partnership: Working with partners is a key component to going forward

6. Competitiveness: To create positive competitiveness among the private schools to urge them to improve


The importance of rating private schools:

It is important to carry out the private schools rating process impartially and according to scientific educational standards aiming to determine the school quality and examine the compatibility of tuition fees with services provided in addition to examining the credibility of school’s operations. The rating process also gives a clear image about the school’s performance concerning whether it deserves to be rewarded for its outstanding work or needs intervention and support from the Ministry of Education.

The following are the objectives of the Office:

1. To reach a high educational standard in the private schools

2. To familiarize the private schools with the certified criteria for the rating process

3. To expand the concept of self-assessment among the private schools

4. To provide the schools with a road map for continuous self-development to achieve the highest standards

5. To perform the private schools rating process in Oman according to certified criteria

6. To create a positive competitiveness between the private schools according to national and international standards

7. To announce the results of the private schools’ rating for parents and all stakeholders

Actions taken during the previous phase:

A. Choosing the sample from different educational programs including kindergarten, Quran schools, schools from kindergarten to grade 4, schools from kindergarten to grade 12 and international schools.

B. Visiting 61 private schools from 10 Educational Governorates with a percentage of 13% of the total private schools at that time.

C. Writing a report about the visited schools with all the results and recommendations accordingly.

  • Training workshop for private schools

    The office implemented a workshop for the supporting evaluators of the second pilot phase from different educational governorates. The office members has a follow up visits to the schools of the first pilot phase to know the procedures they followed after receiving their report.

    - The office is visiting the schools of the second pilot phase to support them and follow their achievements in the self-evaluation before the rating visit. The second pilot phase visits will start on second semester of the year 2019/2020 with a number of 38 schools.

  • The rating document in final form

    The office chose the schools that will be rated in the second pilot phase.

    The office implemented a workshop for the private schools of the second pilot phase to introduce them to the document of rating private schools with all its accompanying documentations.

  • A seminar with private schools

    The office of rating private schools had a panel discussion with the 30 rated schools to benefit from their opinions and recommendations on the document of rating private schools.

    The office also benefited from the supporting evaluators’ comments on the themes, criteria, indicators and measurements of the document.

  • Private Schools rating Document

    Setting up domains and fields for schools’ ratings based on the results of examining the private schools’ status. That came after having access to some related documents and resources and taking advantage of quality standards set up by some Arab and international rating institutions after adapting them to fit with the Omani setting. Specific standards have been set up for each field with appropriate measurements and indicators.

    The office of rating private schools applied the schools’ rating system in its first and pilot phase on 30 private schools from all Omani governorates during the period (10/2- 4/5/2019).

    Writing final reports for the rating visits and sending them to the evaluated schools. .


The seven domains of private schools rating are:

First Domain: Leadership and governance

Second Domain: School environment

Third Domain: Learning and teaching

Forth Domain: Health, safety, and security

Fifth Domain: Values and citizenship

Sixth Domain: Community engagement

Seventh Domain: School financial capacity

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